Sunday 25 May 2008

From Russia with PR

Apparently the release of a new Indiana Jones film has caused quite a controversy in Moscow. I have very little idea what it is about and probably won't see it.

However, i am led to believe that a basic plotline involves Indy struggling against "Cate Blanchett's evil KGB agent." [1] Needless to say, Communist Party officials aren't best pleased:

"St Petersburg Communist Party chief Sergei Malinkovich told the Reuters news agency it was "rubbish".

"Many Russian cinemagoers [who are] teenagers would be "completely unaware of what happened in 1957", when the film is set."

Khrushchev - cameo unlikely.
If i remember rightly, 1957 was the year Sputnik 2 was launched, and when Anthony Eden resigned. Quite what Mr Malinkovich is worried about, i'm not sure. Anyone with any intelligence will understand that Hollywood doesn't always offer the best portrayal of historical fact. Is he worried that people might think that the KGB weren't nice people? Or that the Soviet Union wasn't the workers paridise we all thought? If an unfavourable film portrayal of its past is the biggest issue affecting modern day Russia, President Medvedev must be laughing.

Never mind all this, spare a thought for the poor old Nazis. They never even had the chance to complain about their portrayal in 'The Lost Ark'


(For the benefit of the terminally thick, I should probably point out that the last remark was a joke. The Nazi's weren't nice people, ok)

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