Sunday, 25 May 2008

And the latest from the religion of peace....

Well, following on from Dispatches; "In God's Name", I tracked down and watched and earlier episode made up of undercover recordings at 'mainstream' mosques across the UK (notibly Birmingham's Green Road mosque). I don't know whether this is an Atheist perspective or not, but i sometimes forgot which program i was watching.

Sometimes I'm greatful for the beards, always helpful in telling one mad fundamentalist from another entirely different mad fundamentalist of another faith.

In this one, the clerics have a go at insulting and inciting hatred against pretty much every minority, indeed every human being on the globe. Not bad for a 50-minute runtime. Even ideas such as democracy and freedom of speech aren't safe from the madness imported from Riyadh.

It's interesting to note that the undercover journalist - operating at enormous personal risk - handed over this vast body of evidence to West Midands Police. They went on to launch an investigation into..... the program, accusing it of:

"misrepresented the views of Muslim preachers and clerics with misleading editing."
"inciting terrorism or racial hatred"

Thankfully, the CPS dropped this ludicrous prosecution and may now actually seek to charge the real criminals - the Islamofascists in our midst. Good to know the Old Bill has our best interests at heart.


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