Sunday, 25 May 2008

In God's Name

Ok, Channel 4's Dispatches series has wound me up again. This is not a bad thing for the program itself - i absolutely love it. Rather, it's what was portrayed in their most recent edition (still available on '4 on-demand'). Right-wing Christian nutters. In the UK.

The first 2 word of that description do it for me, the third makes it 10 times worse. Knowing it's happening in my own country just takes the piss. You expect this sort of thing in the US, sure; it's Islamic parallel in Iran goes without saying. But in Britain?

A brief synopsis if i may. The program follows the efforts of numerous self-righteous religious pricks as they attempt to limit a woman's right to choose as part of the Human Embryology Act was going through parliament. Now I am pro-choice, but as far as I'm concerned, that isn't the issue. What i take issue with is the general attitude of these people, and many 'people of faith'. The program showed bigot after bigot as they elaborated on their numerous personal hatreds - ranging from gay rights, to womens rights, to the fact that some people have the nerve to worship a different god. The main points that this group of evangelical 'born-again' christians seemed to agree on, are as follows.

-Britain is a 'Christian country'.

-Christians should be in charge.

-Anyone who disagrees with them is a bad person, or sinner.

-The Christian religion should be the basis of government.

-Muslims are evil for not following Christianity.

-Muslims are evil for wanting to be in charge.

-Muslims are evil for thinking Christians are evil for not following Islam.

-Gay people are evil and gay relationships are wrong

-The Earth is only '4,000 to 10,000 years old' (taught in their faith schools this one)

-Nobody has the right to a private life

-Their beliefs and 'values' should be imposed on everybody else.

All of the above are, of course, complete bollocks as far as I am concerned, so much that I won't even bother arguing against them. Personally I find the views and 'values' of even 'moderate' religious types a throwback to the dark ages. I'm certain they would think of me as evil, or at least 'wrong'. The point is, I don't mind people having opinions, no matter how vile, so long as they KEEP THEM TO THEMSELVES.

You may feel that gay people should be stoned to death for the 'sin' of loving another person, but I don't. I don't want to hear the bigotry of Christians and other faith-heads, I certainly don't want to live my life according to it. Religion should have no place in government, or in public. keep it in your head!

Oh, and Britain is not a Christian country, I live here.


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